Out of know where an idea comes into existence. I was standing in my shop holding a 1/4” dowel and it just cut itself into pieces and formed this star shape, right there, in my minds eye. So I made the dowel into this shape with ZAP CA glue and painted it bright red. It sat on the counter and everyone who walked by said, “wow, that’s a neat shape”. A week or so later I was in the barn and there was this big pile of old fence posts that had been used to keep deer out of a failed vineyard in the back of the property. I saw it then, THE SPARK OF CREATION, sitting in the field and I knew it had to be made. A few weeks later the full sized sculpture was done and deployed in its natural setting. People driving by have said “whats that big corona-virus out in the field?”. I was like, huh?! but now realize maybe there was subconscious influence, weird how creativity works.