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Mixed media on vellum 1987
Starting around 1987 I became fascinated by the idea that future vehicles would become soft and flexible with self healing material that changed shape depending on conditions. ‘Form Follows Action’ was my term to describe this. The books Engines of Creation and Nanosystems by the brilliant Eric Drexler of MIT had a huge influence on how I saw the future of vehicle design, performance and manufacturing. Movies like Terminator 2 also confirmed this vision with the T-1000 liquid metal robot. I still believe that the eventual evolution of materials will lead to this type of result where high tech stuff will more resemble living systems than the rigid and brittle materials of present time.

Boots Vehicle
Wired Magazine 2000

Cloud Cars 2100
Mixed media on bond paper 1996

Nano-liquid Vehicle
Photoshop 2006

Soft Sketch
Photoshop 2011

Transforming Car
Photoshop and Sketchup 2010

Times Square 2100
Photoshop 2010

Open Road
Photoshop 2010
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